Sonntag, 4. September 2011

How God arranged a new job

I want to tell you how god arranged a new job for me. 

I finished two self employed jobs as graphic designer. Immeadiately the next day I looked for a new job on the internet. I asked god "Where it should go". The very first relevant job offer I found on the internet was a job as a landscape gardener. I took the phone and called the number. The boss invited me to come over the same day evening. At the evening I went there, we talked with each other 1 hour. He invited me for test working the very next day. The next day morning I went there for working. He presented me just at that morning without any test working immediately the fair working contract and I signed it. This was 4 weeks ago. It's the best job and the best friendly and correct boss I ever had. Also all is fair and well paid. I know this job was a gift from god. I was at the right time at the right place, meeting the right people, was offered the right job and the boss was so friendly, all went smothly without problems at all.

with love,


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